I am an Associate Professor in the Management Information Systems Department in the John Chambers College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University. I also serve as Co-Director of the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Core at West Virginia Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and the Chief Data Scientist for the Governorns Joint Interagency Task Force. My research is in multivariate and multi-task statistical learning, statistical computing, and the applications of these areas in business operations and health. My research supported in part by the NIH NIGMS 2U54GM104942-02 NIMHD 1U01MD017419-01.

Some of my recent publications include (A full list can be found on Google Scholar or my Research page):

Maintaining Healthcare Capacity in Rural America by Replenishing Personal Protective Equipment: The Case from West Virginia.
Price, B.S., Saldanha, J.P., Quiroga, B., Hodder, S.L. (2024+)
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics. To Appear.

Enhanced SARS-CoV-2 Case Prediction Using Public Health and Machine Learning Models
Price, B.S., Khodverdi, M., Hendricks, B., Smith, G., Kimble, W.,Halasz, A., Gutherie, S., Fraustino,J.D., Hodder,S.L.(2024).
JAMIA Open.7(1);1-10.

On the Use of Minimum Penalties in Statistical Learning.
Sherwood, B., Price, B. S.. (2024)
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 33(1); 138-151.

A Non-Parametric Appraoch to Setting Safety Stock.
Saldnaha, J., Price, B.S., Thomas, D.(2023).
Production and Operations Management.32(4);1150-1168.

Estimating Multiple Precision Matrices using Cluster Fusion Regularization.
Price, B.S., Molstad, A., Sherwood, B. (2021).
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 30(4); 823–834.